Welcome to my personal homepage, where you can find some information that is not directly linked to my professional life as a professor or to our research group.

I believe in Jesus Christ as my Hero and my Boss. This is what is most important in my life and I encourage anyone to honestly think about their purpose in life. I am happy to hear your thoughts and questions on this subject including, for example, how a scientist can believe in a God who works supernaturally. Feel free to send me an email or drop by my office. I am a member of the Loudonville Community Church where I play drums.
I grew up in Basel, Switzerland, met my wife during my 7-year stay in Urbana, IL, and live since the summer of 2002 in Troy, NY. We are the proud parents of three daughters.
Other interests
I try to minimize my negative impact on our environment. In that context, I chose a place to live, so that I can bike to work. This is very enjoyable (10-out-of-12 months), uses negligible fossil fuel, has a low probability of killing someone else, and produces little noise. I am also an “early adopter” for solar cells on our roof (2007) and for driving an electric car (2015).